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User DTO Readme

This document provides an overview of the User Data Transfer Object (DTO) structure and its various fields. This DTO is used to encapsulate user-related data in a structured format for use in various applications.

User DTO Structure

JSON Representation

"id": "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa",
"email": "",
"username": "my_super_username",
"createdAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"avatar": "Byte array",
"banner": "Byte array",
"bannerColor": "#ffffff",
"bio": "I am a software developer",
"roles": [
"friends": [
"servers": [
"channels": [

Fields Description

  1. id: String

    • A unique identifier for the user.
    • Example: "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa"
  2. email: String

    • The user's email address.
    • Example: ""
  3. username: String

    • The user's chosen username.
    • Example: "my_super_username"
  4. createdAt: String (ISO 8601 format)

    • The timestamp of when the user was created.
    • Example: "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
  5. updatedAt: String (ISO 8601 format)

    • The timestamp of the last update to the user's information.
    • Example: "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
  6. avatar: Byte array

    • The user's avatar image in byte array format.
  7. banner: Byte array

    • The user's banner image in byte array format.
  8. bannerColor: String (Hex color code)

    • The hex color code for the user's banner background.
    • Example: "#ffffff"
  9. bio: String

    • A short biography or description of the user.
    • Example: "I am a software developer"
  10. roles: Array of Strings

    • The roles assigned to the user.
      Possible values: USER, ADMIN (will be extended in the future).
    • Example: ["USER"]
  11. friends: Many-to-Many Relationship

    • An array of user IDs representing the user's friends.
    • Example: ["friend1", "friend2"]
  12. servers: Many-to-Many Relationship

    • An array of server IDs representing the servers the user is a member of.
    • Example: ["server1", "server2"]
  13. channels: Many-to-Many Relationship

    • An array of channel IDs representing the channels the user has access to.
    • Example: ["channel1", "channel2"]