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Channel DTO Readme

This document provides an overview of the Channel Data Transfer Object (DTO) structure and its various fields. This DTO is used to encapsulate channel-related data in a structured format for use in various applications.

Channel DTO Structure

JSON Representation

"id": "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa",
"name": "general",
"type": "DM",
"topic": "This is a general channel",
"nsfw": false,
"messages": [],
"bitrate": 64000,
"userLimit": 10,
"rateLimitPerUser": 10,
"recipients": [],
"createdAt": "2024-05-17T03:15:17.227Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-05-17T03:15:17.227Z",
"lastMessageId": "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa",
"serverId": "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa",
"description": "This is a general channel",
"position": 0,
"permissionOverwrites": [],
"ownerId": "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa"

Not all values are required when creating a channel. Some values are optional and can be set to null or undefined.

Fields Description

  1. id: String

    • A unique identifier for the channel.
    • Example: "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa"
  2. name: String

    • The name of the channel.
    • Example: "general"
  3. type: String

    • The type of the channel
      According to the Enum ChannelType:
    • Is optional
    • Example: "DM"
  4. topic: String

    • The topic of the channel.
    • Is optional
    • Example: "This is a general channel"
  5. nsfw: Boolean

    • Indicates if the channel is NSFW (Not Safe For Work).
    • Is optional
    • Example: false
  6. messages: Array

    • An array of message objects.
    • Is optional, but will return an empty array if not provided.
    • Example: []
  7. bitrate: Number

    • The bitrate of the channel.
    • Is optional
    • Example: 64000
  8. userLimit: Number

    • The user limit of the channel.
    • Is optional
    • Example: 10
  9. rateLimitPerUser: Number

    • The rate limit per user of the channel.
    • Is optional
    • Example: 10
  10. recipients: Array

    • An array of recipient objects.
    • Is optional, but will return an empty array if not provided (not possible because the owner is always a recipient).
    • Example: []
  11. createdAt: String (ISO 8601 format)

    • The timestamp of when the channel was created.
    • Example: "2024-05-17T03:15:17.227Z"
  12. updatedAt: String (ISO 8601 format)

    • The timestamp of the last update to the channel's information.
    • Example: "2024-05-17T03:15:17.227Z"
  13. lastMessageId: String

    • The ID of the last message sent in the channel.
    • Is optional
    • Example: "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa"
  14. serverId: String

    • The ID of the server the channel belongs to.
    • Is optional
    • Example: "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa"
  15. description: String

    • A description of the channel.
    • Is optional
    • Example: "This is a general channel"
  16. position: Number

    • The position of the channel in the server's channel list.
    • Is optional
    • Example: 0
  17. permissionOverwrites: Array

    • An array of permission overwrite objects.
    • Is optional, but will return an empty array if not provided.
    • Example: []
  18. ownerId: String

    • The ID of the user who owns the channel.
    • Cannot be set at creation. By default, the owner is the user who created the channel.
    • Example: "37963246-7e9d-4239-a95f-96704c6dcbaa"

Additional Information

  • The ChannelType enum is used to define the type of channel. The possible values are:
    • TEXT: A text channel.
    • VOICE: A voice channel.
    • DM: A direct message channel.
    • GROUP_DM: A group direct message channel.
    • CATEGORY: A category channel.
    • NEWS: A news channel.
    • STORE: A store channel.
    • UNKNOWN: An unknown channel type.